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Atlantic City Teacher Gives Safe Beginnings an A+

By New, and Experienced Mom, Teela Grayson

When I had my first child, I was approaching age 30. When I had my second, I was in my early 30s. When I became pregnant with my third child, I was in my late 30s or, as some may say, “almost 40.” At first, I didn’t realize just how big a difference—for my baby and me —it made being pregnant in my 30s compared to nearly 40. But then in June I received an invitation to attend a “baby shower” at AtlantiCare’s HealthPlex. AtlantiCare was offering the event to help give moms and babies a healthy start. Since I delivered my first two children at AtlantiCare and was under the care of Blair Bergen, M.D, chair, AtlantiCare Obstetrics and Gynecology for my third, I thought, “Why not?” I attended the shower, expecting to maybe take home a brochure and meet a few other moms-to-be. What I actually experienced was so much more!

By introducing me to AtlantiCare’s Safe Beginnings program, the baby shower opened me up to a whole new world of support as an expectant mother. First and foremost, it educated me about myself and my baby—and as a teacher I know you can never have too much of that! The AtlantiCare Safe Beginnings team really helped me to understand the differences my body was experiencing this time around, because I was several years older. They helped me to understand some potential risks that come with pregnancy over age 35 and gave me the tools to mitigate those risks. For example, AtlantiCare’s Maternal Fetal Medicine team made sure I had advanced screenings that were especially important during my pregnancy to keep track of my baby’s development and my own health.

AtlantiCare’s Safe Beginnings program also let me empower myself with choices and a better understanding of how to listen to my body and respond in ways that were right for my baby and me. The team answered the questions I had about my pregnancy and taught me questions I needed to ask myself and my care team. And, thanks to Safe Beginnings, when I delivered my daughter at AtlantiCare’s Center for Childbirth on August 18, 2022, I did so with the support of a doula—a first, and wonderful experience for me!

In June, the White House revealed an extensive action plan to improve maternal outcomes for all women, placing emphasis on women of color. I applaud AtlantiCare and Safe Beginnings for taking strong, effective action on this issue for years. Regardless of income or education level, black women are much more likely to die during childbirth than white women, and infant mortality rates are significantly higher for black babies. Safe Beginnings addresses the many factors that contribute to this sad reality. This resource for Atlantic City residents provides prenatal and postnatal service through a baby’s first birthday. Support is available to all families in the city, regardless of race, creed or ability to pay. You are under no obligation to participate in programs and services unless you choose to do so. From my experience I can tell you with full certainty that Safe Beginnings is inclusive and fueled by love.

They say, when you’re older, you’re wiser. When I initially thought I didn’t need these services, wisdom guided me otherwise—into the experienced, caring hands of AtlantiCare and Safe Beginnings. And I am so grateful for this. Whether you’re a brand-new mom and or mother-to-be, or you’ve been there and you’re doing it again, make the wise choice—for you and your family. Get the prenatal and postnatal care you need.

You can tell from this picture, my family and I are proof positive that it will make a difference!

Click here to learn more about AtlantiCare’s Women’s and Children’s Services, including Safe Beginnings.

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