Absegami High School Blog
After being awarded the Healthy Schools grant from AtlantiCare, Absegami High School received a class set of barbells to use for faculty workouts before and after school. Participants used the equipment twice per week on average. Since we received the equipment on February 27, 2024, we have completed 25 strength training workouts. Each session was 45 minutes long and consisted of a warm-up followed by segments of exercises which targeted all muscle groups. We did squats, chest presses, dead-rows, deadlifts, clean and presses, triceps presses/extensions, biceps curls/rows, upright rows, and various core exercises.
Each class ended with a thorough stretch, and participating staff were able to modify exercises with the adjustable barbells. Furthermore, the weight plates were able to be used without the bar for additional exercises in place of dumbbells while the bar could also be utilized without the plates for additional modifications as needed. The attendees were challenged each week with choreographed sculpting exercises. As participants continued to strength train, they were able to gain confidence in their abilities. Since the equipment can be adjusted for varying amounts of weight, the staff were able to have freedom in choosing how heavy or light they wanted to work a certain body part. Overall, the experience was positive for the staff, and they looked forward to the workouts each week. Moreover, exercising together brought about a certain camaraderie among the staff.